Our Transition Memo for the Biden Administration

Each year there are approximately 700,000-900,000 migrant workers
entering the U.S. with a temporary work visa, each visa with its own rules and
requirements. We seek to ensure the protection of this vital workforce
by providing both guiding principles and specific recommendations for
administrative and legislative action. We stand with a broad cross-section of
immigrant, civil and worker rights groups and coalitions throughout the country
in calling for an immediate roll-back of the relentless xenophobic, racist and
anti-immigrant rules and policies the Trump administration has implemented.
This document will focus on recommendations specific to migrant workers who
come to the U.S. with a temporary work visa.

Migration that Works would like to thank Georgetown University Law Center Federal Legislation Clinic Director Cori Alonso-Yoder and students Jocelyn Westray and Marquisha Johns for contributing to this transition plan.